
Tofu Chimichangas in Adobo Chipotle Sauce

Chimichangas, a popular Tex-Mex dish, is a deep-fried burrito style dish often stuffed with meats, cheeses, beans etc. I chose to not deep-fry the dish which essentially then just makes it a burrito!! But, I just could not deal with the extra fried calories right now. You know the "Last 10 Lbs" itch? I also decided to skip the meat and attempted to make the Chi. with Tofu.  Now, we love anything "chipotle" at our house. So we always have a can of Chipotle peppers in Adobo Sauce (La Costena Brand). I decided to make my own sauce Chipotle Enchilada sauce from scratch using these peppers. Also, I detest store salsas and made a Mango Jalapeno salsa instead to complete the meal.

Method and Ingredients:

1/2 medium onion, diced
1 tsp garlic paste
1/2 cup black beans, rinsed and drained
2 green onions, diced
1/4 tsp red chilli powder
1/4 tsp paprika powder
1/4 tsp oregano powder
1/2 tsp cumin powder
1 jalapeno finely chopped (optional)
Salt and Black Pepper to taste
1/2 block of Tofu, hand pressed and shredded
Mexican Four cheese blend
Sour cream for side
Three Tortillas (I used wheat ones for health reasons)
1 avocado (deseeded and mashed - mostly to serve as a side but use some to apply on the chim.)
Mango Jalapeno Salsa for side - For recipe click here http://slurpnburp-mithu.blogspot.com/2011/06/mango-jalapeno-salsa.html
Adobo Chipotle Sauce - For recipe click here http://slurpnburp-mithu.blogspot.com/2011/06/adobo-chipotle-sauce.html

Heat oil in a pan. Add the chopped onions and garlic paste. Sautee until soft and translucent on medium heat.  Add the black beans, jalapeno (optional) and green onions and mix well. Sautee another 2 minutes.  Add all the spices and mix well and let cook for another 2 to 3 minutes.  Turn the heat to high and add the shredded tofu.  The tofu will still have some water so we want that to evaporate on high heat. Shredded tofu will disintegrate easily so make sure you are gently tossing the pan to keep it moving but not burning.  Spread the tofu out in the pan to give it room to evaporate the water.  Add salt and black pepper.  Keep tossing the tofu around by tossing the pan.  Set aside.

To bake the chimichangas:
Preheat the oven to 350F.  Start assembling the chimichangas. Wet your hands and dab the tortillas lightly with some water. Microwave them for 15 seconds to soften them. Alternatively, you can heat them on a skillet. Do not over heat. The purpose is simply to soften them not make them crunchy. Put foil and then oil the bottom of a casserole pan or baking sheet, take the tortilla, spread some smashed avocado and some Adobo chipotle sauce.  Add the tofu mixture and handful of cheese.  Fold inwards from both opposite sides and holding the folded sides roll it up all the way. Plant a toothpick to hold the chimichanga.  Assemble all three of them, brush a little oil on the top of each of them and bake for 20 minutes.  Towards the end, sprinkle some cheese on the top and allow to melt.  Serve hot with the sides, sauces, and salsa as shown.

Serve chimichangas with sauce on the top and salsa.

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